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  • Our Trademark Related Services

    Identical Trademark Search (word / logo / device / image);

  • Trademark | Service mark Registration;

  • Taking over responsibility of any application/registration.

  • Proceeding for Registration at any stage;

  • Renewal | Late Renewal;

  • Restoration | Withdrawal;

  • Recordal of Assignment;

  • Recordal of change of name | Recordal of change address of the applicant / owner ;

  • Filing of Opposition case after publication and proceeding thereof;

  • Filing Rectification / Cancellation case and proceeding thereof;

  • Litigation for Infringement and or passing off action;

  • Serving Seize and desist notice to the infringer/counterfeiter;

  • Providing Published Trademark Journal;




First Stage: Application for Registration.

Any person claiming to be the proprietor of a trademark used or proposed to be used by him, who is desirous of registering it, shall apply in writing to the Registrar in the prescribed manner for the registration of his trademark (Section-15(1)).


► Name, Address & Nationality of the applicant(s);

► Specimen of the Trademark to be filed;

► Translation and Transliteration of the mark, if the mark contains any other characters other than the "English" and "Bengali";

► Trade Description (whether the applicant is a Manufacturer or Importer or Service Provider);

► Goods/service under the International classification of goods and service (Nice Classification);

► In case of claiming priority, certified copy of the prior application (if not in English Language, then provide us an English version) should be required;

► Date of first use of the mark in Bangladesh (it may be proposed to be used also);

► Executed Form TM-10 (Power of Authority), please note that the Notarized Form TM-10 is preferable.

Second Stage: Examination | Acceptance.

It will take two to four months for examining a Trademark Application. While examining the application, the Registrar may refuse the application or may accept or may accept it absolutely or subject to such amendment modification, conditions or limitations if any as he may thinks fit as per the provision of section 18(1) of the Trade Marks Act, 2009.

When a trademark is accepted by the Registrar, then an acceptance letter is issued to the applicant and the applicant is to submit the publication fees within one month from the issuance date of the acceptance letter. After submitting the publication fees the accepted trademark will be published in the Trademark Journal according to the date of submission of publication fees. However, you can expect the Acceptance Letter within two to six months from the date of filing of the application (in every smooth proceeding).

Third & final Stage: Registration

After publication of a Trademark in the Trade Mark Journal and if there is no opposition filed within two months from the date of actual publication of the mark by anybody else, then the application will be qualified for registration under the provision of Section-20 of the aforesaid Act. After expiring the opposition period, the applicant is to submit the registration fees to obtain the Registration Certificate.

Please note that it will take two to six months for obtaining Registration Certificate after submitting the registration fees.

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