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  • Identical Patent Search;
  • Filing Conventional and Non-conventional Patent application;
  • Proceeding for Registration of patent;
  • Renewal / Annuity filing;
  • Recordal of Assignment;
  • Recordal of change of name and/or address of the applicant / owner ;
  • Opposition; etc.



First Stage: Filing of a Conventional / Non-conventional Application:

(1) An application for a patent may be made by any person whether he is a citizen of Bangladesh or not, and whether alone or jointly with any other person.

(2) The application must be made in the prescribed form, and must be left at the Department of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks in the prescribed manner.

(3) The application must contain a declaration to the effect that the applicant is in possession of an invention, whereof he, or in the case of a joint application one at least of the applicants, claims to be the true and first inventor or the legal representative or assign of such inventor and for which he desires to obtain a patent, and must be accompanied by either a provisional or complete specification and by the prescribed fee.

(4) Where the true and first inventor is not a party to the application, the application must contain a statement of his name, and such particulars for his identification as may be prescribed, and the applicant must show that he is the legal representative or assign of such inventor.


  • Name, address & Nationality of the applicant(s);
  • Name, address & Nationality of the Inventor(s);
  • Soft copy of the COMPLETE SPECIFICATION (in M.S. Word Format) of the patent.
  • Endorsement by the Inventors on the reverse of the application (when the        applicant is not the inventor(s))
  • In case of claiming priority, Certified Copy of the Priority application (if not in English language, provide Certified English version) should be required and must be submitted with the application or within 3(three) month from the date of filing of the application. If you would like to claim Priority, then you must be filed the application in Bangladesh within 12(twelve) months from the date of filing of the prior application from which priority is to be claimed.

Second Stage: Examination & Acceptance 

(1)     The Registrar shall refer to an examiner every application in respect of which a complete specification has been filed and if satisfied on the report of the examiner that-

(a)     the nature of the invention or the manner in which it is to be performed is not particularly described and ascertained in the complete specification, or

(b)     the application, specification and drawings have not been prepared in the prescribed manner, or

(c)     the title of the specification does not sufficiently indicate the subject-matter of the invention, or

(d)     the statement of claim does not sufficiently define the invention, or

(dd)   where a complete specification has been left after a provisional specification, the invention particularly described in the complete specification is not substantially the same as that which is described in the provisional specification, or

(e)     the invention as described and claimed is prima facie not a manner of new manufacture or improvement, or

(f)      the specification relates to more than one invention, or

(g)     in the case of an application claiming priority under section 78A, the specification describes and claims an invention substantially larger than or substantially different from the invention disclosed in the specification field with the application made outside Bangladesh by virtue of which priority is claimed, or

(h)     in the case of an application for a patent of addition under section 15A, the invention describe and claimed in the specification is not an improvement or modification of that described and claimed in the original specification, he may refuse to accept the application or require that the application, specification or drawings be amended before he proceeds with the application; and in the later case the application shall, if the Registrar so directs, bear date as from the time when the requirement is complied with:

Provided that, when a specification comprises more than one invention, the application shall, if the Registrar or the applicant so requires, be restricted to one invention and the other inventions may he made the subject-matter of fresh applications; and any such fresh application shall be proceeded with as a substantive application, but the Registrar may, in his discretion, direct that any such fresh application made before the acceptance of the original application shall bear the date of the original application or such later date as he may fix, and the fresh application shall be deemed, for the purposes of this Act, to have been made on the date which it bears in accordance with such direction:

Provided further that where a complete specification is left after a provisional specification, the Registrar may, if the applicant so requests, cancel the provisional specification and direct that the application shall be deemed to have been made on the date on which the complete specification was left, and proceed with the application accordingly.

(1A)     If the Registrar considers, at any time before the acceptance of an application, that the invention claimed therein has been wholly or in part claimed in a specification published on or after the date which the patent applied for would bear if granted, appertaining to an application for a patent which if granted will be of prior date to the patent applied for, he may require that the applicants specification be amended by the insertion of a reference to such other specification, by way of notice to the public.

(2)        Where the Registrar refuses to accept an application or requires an amendment or the insertion of a reference, the applicant may appeal from his decision to the Government.

(3)        The investigations required by this section shall not be held in any way to guarantee the validity of any patent, and no liability shall be incurred by the Government or any officer by reason of, or in connection with, any such investigation, or any proceeding consequent thereon.

(4)        Unless an application is accepted within eighteen months from the date of the application, the application shall (except where an appeal has been lodged) be deemed to have been refused:

Provided that where, before, or within three months after, the expiration of the said period of eighteen months, a request is made to the Registrar for an extension of time, the application shall, on payment of the prescribed fee, be continued for any period so requested not exceeding in all three months from the expiration of the said period of eighteen months.

Third Stage: Advertisement on acceptance of application:

On the acceptance of an application the Registrar shall give notice thereof to the applicant and shall advertise the acceptance; and the application and specifications with the drawings (if any) shall be open to public inspection.

Effect of application “Section 7” :

After the acceptance of an application and until the date of sealing a patent in respect thereof, or the expiration of the time for sealing, the applicant shall have the like privileges and rights as if a patent for the invention had been sealed on the date of the acceptance of the application:

Opposition to grant of patent “Section 9(1)” :

Any person may, on payment of the prescribed fee, at any time within four months from the date of the advertisement of the acceptance of an application, give notice at the Department of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks of opposition to the grant of the patent.

Forth Stage: Grant and sealing of patent

If there is no opposition, or, in case of opposition, if the determination is in favour of the grant of a patent, a patent shall, on payment of the prescribed fee, be granted, subject to such conditions (if any) as the Government thinks expedient, to the applicant, or in the case of a joint application to the applicants jointly, and the Registrar shall cause the patent to be sealed with the seal of the Department of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks.


(in every smooth case)

PATENT (in every smooth case) :

1.       SEARCHING (Normal) :  10 (Ten) working days (approximate).

2.       FILING3(three) working days from obtaining the full instruction & required docs.

3.       EXAMINATION & ACCEPTANCE :  6(six) to 18 (eighteen) months.

5.     LETTERS PATENT: 2(two) to 6(six) months from the expiration of opposition period after publication (if there is no third party opposition).

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